November 2017

Saturn’s final countdown in Sagittarius


Today the Sun in Scorpio is sextile Pluto in Capricorn and Saturn is closing in on the Galactic Center, all which inspired me to write down some streams of thought on the Man Himself, Mr. Saturn. He can be a bitch to deal with mostly because he is all about the homework and the effect [...]

Saturn’s final countdown in Sagittarius2019-09-20T16:23:03+02:00

October 2012

Saturn inn i Skorpion-Astrologi


Oh, nå var vi her da. Saturn er i ferd med å legge bak seg Vekten og gå inn i en to og ett halvt års periode i Skorpionen. Jeg husker godt  da jeg satt i Black Hills, South Dakota i  2006 og hørte Rose Marcus sitt foredrag om Pluto i Steinbukk transitten. Hun fokuserte [...]

Saturn inn i Skorpion-Astrologi2019-09-20T16:23:07+02:00