

I’ve practised astrology and healing since I was a teenager and I have had the great privilege to work with people allover this beautiful planet. People with great inner resources and talents who wants to develop and heal.

Nothing feels better than seeing this growth. It is our birth right to grow and to lead a life that opens up for greater love and deeper meaning. It is healthy and life-affirming for us and others.

Astrology is a tool for healing and growth, and through looking at the dynamics of the chart, we gain access to information that can give a healing perspective in any situation, be it love, work or self-exploration.

I take my work seriously and the privacy of the client is of great importance. Trust is the keyword that facilitates healing. My respect for the art of astrology is a guiding light in my practice.

Thank you for surfing by and I look forward to working with you.

TIL MINE NORSKE KUNDER: https://sol-with.com/norske-kunder/


Evolutionary Reading

This 90-minutes reading is a perfect format for those who haven’t had their charts done before. This reading covers the basic evolutionary themes of the chart and there is an opportunity to work in depth with particular themes you want to focus in on.

Yearly transit reading

An in-depth astrological reading based on the principles of evolutionary astrology to understand the karmic patterns that express themselves in the chart. Also included are transits and progressions to see what exactly this particular creative process you go through for the moment.

Follow-Up Reading

If you want to focus in on particular parts of your life and create a conscious change. A one hour format that also fits those who wish to check their upcoming year.


A reading for the two of you in order to enlighten parts of the relationship dynamic that is challenging and to focus in on the deeper resources and creative meaning of the relationship

About Sol

I was born into a family of astrology and first learnt the art through my Aries father as a teenager, seeking out answers to vital questions about myself. One thing led to the other, and through taking numerous classes, reading all the books I could find and calculating as many charts as possible, I started working as an astrologer in 1999 when the door to participate was serendipitously opened, as it has done so many times during my journey. Astrology was something I could not shake, even though I tried on a few occasions. But it is said that what you love will always return, and that I have found to be true. Astrology is like a boomerang. Every time I try to focus elsewhere this beautiful language of the planets returns. So I surrendered and this led to an unfolding path of great learning and opportunities for growth.

In 2002, while searching for insights on the nodal axis, Evolutionary Astrology presented itself. Finding a huge source of important information on the natal chart through the forum of Maurice Fernandez, I decided to take his Complete Course in 2006, and got introduced to the international arena of astrology some years later as I gave my first international lecture in Israel. Since then I have both hosted numerous astrological conferences locally and have had the good fortune to present at several international conferences such as Norwac, River of Stars, Astrology Rising, ISAR in Serbia, AA in England, the Netherlands, Turkey, India, Denmark and UAC in Chigaco.

I am also licensed Soul Flow Therapist, a trained meditation instructor and licensed energy healer, and combine all these into the  work when there is need. I have had the great honor of learn from incredible teachers in the field of healing and this has forever changed the way I understand and work with energy. This is a path that is constantly unfolding.

Other than that I teach online and on site, writes astrological columns for a national women’s magazine and have a thriving practice in the beautiful city of Bergen, working with clients all over the world through SKYPE.

Astrology is a lifelong love and an incredible tool to understand yourself and life in general. I always use it with care because I am well aware of the powerful influence it can have on anyones life. If other people do not believe in astrology, it is not up to me to convince them. I am here to help and contribute to the expansion of awareness and consciousness.


Facebook: Sun-Neptune conjunction in Aquarius, the Global Mind

By |September 29th, 2016|Categories: Astrologi, cosmology, healing|Tags: , , , , , , |

The astrological chart of Facebook I am not so big on over-analyzing event charts, like “oh, jupiter in Virgo retrograde means that you will obsess over details”, even though when it comes to Facebook, that [...]

“I came to you about 10 years ago and then, I would have never believed what you said then, but the last  10 years proved you right. You were right about everything.”

What people say