About Sol

Sol is an evolutionary astrologer, writer, lecturer and healer. She runs her business from her cozy office in Bergen, Norway, where she sees clients from allover the world. Other than that you'll find her at the yogastudio, out dancing or with her two kids and two cats, chilling at home.

November 2020

July 2020

March 2019

Sun in Aries


And so it was Vernal Equinox and the Sun took a step into Aries, the sign of the beginning of the astrological year and the cycle we know as the Circle of Life.  Aries is the seed, the first flame, the spark that initiates action. It is a cardinal Fire sign and fire is the [...]

Sun in Aries2019-03-22T18:24:58+02:00

January 2019

Saturn, New Year and Eclipsetime


Yesterday I read a comment on a youtube video that I have been collaborating to make, and the request was that we, the astrologers, get a bit more gloomy (or in her words, realistic) about the future. So I thought I'd indulge her and go gloomy. Or Saturn-Pluto in Capricorn as the Goth Astrologers like [...]

Saturn, New Year and Eclipsetime2019-09-20T16:23:03+02:00

December 2018

Freedom from Irritation: Sun square Mars-Neptune


They say freedom from irritation (inflammation, agitation) is a sign of liberation or enlightenment. . Or as Ram Dass said it «if you think you are enlightened, try spending a week with your family» . The more aware you become, the easier it is to be angry with this world of abuse, selfishness and corruption [...]

Freedom from Irritation: Sun square Mars-Neptune2018-12-03T12:34:03+02:00

September 2018

Venus retrograde


Shining Venus trembles afar, Earth's Higher Self, and With but one finger touches us. — Ancient Buddhist saying   Well, for those of you who paid attention to the world of astrology of late, you probably read that our Lady Venus, the planet of love, harmony, unity, prosperity and beauty, is in her shadow period getting [...]

Venus retrograde2019-09-20T16:23:03+02:00