
When the balance is fragile we tend to tip toe:

It is happening. I am delving into the nodal axis and let’s start with this one as it affects us all and just as we are heading into eclipse season and whatnots.

Mars will hit the South Node before the eclipse Oct 14th and then we are also waiting for Chiron about to conjunct the North Node this winter.

This is Relationship Territory and we can learn so much about how to relate and what the people pleasing/co-dependent/inauthentic problem that rest in us or in others we interact with is doing to our capacity to communicate and be authentic (Aries)

It takes courage and independence and willingness to stand alone to be true to the core.

And with Chiron traveling through Aries this is juuuust what we are learning.

In this class we will look at the nodal axis from an evolutionary perspective and what it actually means, and what this particular eclipse season will bring.

It is the Peace and Love and some War thing.

And boundaries. And how to argue and still be able to listen.

If you sign up before the 17th it is 35$ and after it is 40.

Zoom as usual and fits for all levels of astrology students.

I will use live chart examples if there are interesting aspects from the nodals axis in transit to the natal chart or you are born with this axis.

1st of October. 9 am PT. Noon EST. 6 pm CEST.